~ Love God & Love People ~

There is so much to say about the current events in life.  Everything from the tragic helicopter crash that killed 9 (including Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gigi), a Pandemic, nations and businesses across the globe shutting down, everyday supplies being scarce, to world wide protesting and rioting.  All in the first six months of the year!

Some attribute them to the end of the world while many are feeling fear and extreme anxiety due to the instability and uncertainty of not only today, but tomorrow and the future.  Others are oblivious-saying everything is either fake or over exaggerated by the government and our media.

I’ve seen many posts on social media and actions that mirror those of a carefree child, no regard for rules or others.  We were asked to shut in, in hopes to stop or at the very least, slow down the spread of the Novel COVID19 virus. That proved hard for people to follow! Many just flat out disobeyed and others organized protests at a handful of each states’ capital, demanding the governors open up.  Thousands have now died and families are left in devastation.

As soon as we began reopening and resuming to some type of normalcy, another senseless murder of an unarmed man of color, George Floyd, happens and the world is outraged!  Protesting ensues, which lead to rioting and looting and change begins to take on some momentum.

It’s so bad that organizations open up and make statements about their support for the black community.  Leaders across the world speak up and laws begin changing across the nation.  The nation is in such need of hope, that our former President, Barak Obama, steps in and holds an impromptu virtual town-hall meeting.

All of this is something that should concern us all!  I’ve always been a firm believer that I cannot force anyone to change but I can change myself.  This is the exact mindset we all need at this present time to fix any and everything that is broken in the world.  Black lives should matter to all…social distancing and stopping the spread should be to priority to everyone and not just those affected but unfortunately, that’s not our reality. 

One of the two greatest commandments given by Jesus is to love thy neighbour as thyself. (Matthew 22:39 & Leviticus 19:18)  It’s what the “golden rule” is all about…do unto others as you would have them to unto you. (Matthew 7:12)  God is who we really need right now…period!  We need order, rulership, and the direction of the one who created this whole system.  Sadly, even though He is our answer, it’s foolish to think we will all turn to God and live holy…the bible shows us otherwise.  So in this time of chaos, frustration, and confusion you ask what can you do?  The answer is simple, look within yourself and see what needs to change then do it! As a servant of God, I pray for us all! I pray He does step in and fix all that’s broken but it will take us to repent and call upon his name.

Be Blessed Beloved!

~ Pastor Wynett 

1 thought on “~ Love God & Love People ~”

  1. I love this, great points especially the last one but not the least.
    More people need to give it to God repent and yes change starts with yourself first!

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